Is Control4 Worth the Money?

Control4 is a brand of smart home products designed to enable greater levels of convenience and comfort throughout the house. Control4 products are lauded for their easy integration, their simple and effective customization and their reliability. 

While Control4 is one of the best-known brands in home automation they are hardly the only one, and because they tend to be a bit pricier than some of their competitors it raises the question “Is Control4 worth the money?” We will attempt to answer that question below.


Is Control4 Worth the Money?

In order to answer that question, we need to go through the main features 1 by 1 and compare them to the competition for reliability, effectiveness and value.

Voice Activation

Voice-activated technology has been improving by leaps and bounds in recent years, finally making it both possible and practical to integrate the technology into smart home systems. As with most things, some companies do a better job with voice activation than others and Control4 is a prime example of that. It integrates seamlessly with Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Assist providing the homeowner with the ability to compare and contrast and make an informed decision regarding which is right for them.

Compatibility and versatility

It’s to the point now that all of the top smart home systems are compatible with thousands of devices. But who is going to sync thousands of devices to a smart home system? No one. So the bigger issue becomes versatility. And again, this is an area where Control4 shine. It’s incredibly easy to mix and match devices from an array of manufacturers into your overall Control4 smart home system.

Network foundation

When it comes to smart homes most problems tend to manifest in the network used to connect and command the various components, not in the components themselves. Anticipating this, Control4 early on acquired the networking company Pakedge and used that technology as the basis for their smart home systems. The result: fewer glitches, effortless compatibility, and greater reliability.


If you have an issue with any Control4 product you can be certain the company will go the extra mile to resolve it to your satisfaction. In addition, Connect Automation provide equally outstanding coverage when it comes to workmanship, and offer an array of maintenance and support packages so that your smart home never skips a beat.


So in answer to the question “Is Control4 worth the money?” The answer is a resounding “yes”. Call Connect Automation today to learn more.


What is Control4?


What is Home Automation?