How to Upgrade To a Smart Home

If you have ever been wanting to upgrade to a smart home, there has never been a better time to get your hands on the necessary technology. However, a wide range of smart devices are available, making it difficult to get started if you have never considered having a smart home before. This blog takes a closer look at some of the best devices you can upgrade your smart home with today!


Top Three Smart Home Devices You Need

Smart homes have become incredibly popular in recent years, with consumers recognising that the available devices offer more than just a luxury style of living. For example, certain smart devices can offer greater security, improved energy saving and even provide medical assistance to those who need it. 

Below you can find our top three recommended devices that all smart homes should be upgraded with. 

Smart Lighting

A great place to get started when equipping your smart home is with the lighting. Smart lightbulbs are perfect for those evenings spent lounging in your living room, with certain models offering dimming options to help set the perfect mood while you kick back and relax. 

You may be thinking that installing traditional dimmer switches is a better way for you to go; however, this is not the case. Smart lighting not only adds convenience to your life, but it is also often cheaper than installing dimmer switches in every room of your home. With just a few taps of your phone screen, you can turn all lights on, off or set them to your preferred brightness.


Smart Heating

We are all aware of the recent increase in energy costs across the country, and while you will have to pay a small price to have certain smart home devices fitted, they can save you money in the long run. 

Smart heating is one of the best smart home features available today when it comes to money-saving. Being able to control and view your heating system remotely means you no longer have to worry about the heating switching on when it's not needed. In addition, helpful scheduling features allow you even to set times when you want the heating to switch on or off.


Protecting your home and your family should always be prioritised, and with the help of smart security, there is far less need to worry about their safety.

Smart locks are a great way to help secure your home. With the addition of smart locks, you no longer have to worry about whether or not you forgot to lock your door when you left, as you can simply check via your mobile device. 

Video doorbells and wifi cameras can be installed in your smart home for added security protection. These devices record what is going on outside and can even provide a live stream of current ongoings. 

Our team of experts offers professional design and installation services to ensure your smart home is upgraded to its full potential. Contact Connect Automation today for all your smart home needs. 


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